The 12 Principles of Business
  • Principle #1: Identify A Need
  • Principle #2: Locate A Supply
  • Principle #3: Formulate A Plan
  • Principle #4: Research Market
  • Statistics
  • Principle #5: Know Your Strategy
  • Principle #6: Set The Proper Infrastructure
  • Principle #7: Meet The Demand
  • Principle #8: Prepare Attitude & Aptitude
  • Principle #9: Focus On Efficiency
  • Principle #10: Implement Reporting
  • Principle #11: Ensure Appropriate Financing
  • Principle #12: Plan An Exit Strategy
The 24 Business Philosophies
  • Philosophy #1: If you can't be must be better!
  • Philosophy #2: Your first investment is never's always time!
  • Philosophy #3: Whether it is money or planning - be conservative
  • Philosophy #4: A brilliant idea does not equal success
  • Philosophy #5: Present the image of success
  • Philosophy #6: The one who knows the market - knows how to win
  • Philosophy #7: Pick your market strategy
  • Philosophy #8: A business does not have to be brick & mortar - it can be virtual
  • Philosophy #9: Business must outpace a building to ensure profitability
  • Philosophy #10: Pay as you go...
  • Philosophy #11: Never have 50/50 Partnerships
  • Philosophy #12: A precise and concise marketing plan is mandatory
  • Philosophy #13: Never add an employee who doesn't pay for themselves
  • Philosophy #14: Track ROI (return on investment)
  • Philosophy #15: Don't fear opposition - let the competition fear you!
  • Philosophy #16: Inefficiency is a waste of money
  • Philosophy #17: Let technology replace unproductive manpower
  • Philosophy #18: Evaluate strategies often
  • Philosophy #19: Every step entails a price
  • Philosophy #20: Wearing multiple hats saves money and space
  • Philosophy #21: Reporting is vital to maximize profits
  • Philosophy #22: If business is not innovating it could be dying
  • Philosophy #23: Written Processes & Procedures Provides rest for the future
  • Philosophy #24: The power of persistence is Priceless!
Principle #1: Identify A Need

Rise above the competition and identify a need you can deliver to others.
Philosophy #1: If you can't be must be better!
Principle #2: Locate A Supply

Verify the product / service you are offering is Available & Deliverable.
Philosophy #2: Your first investment is never's always time!
Principle #3: Formulate A Plan

Set the foundation for the business - Take time to initiate planning.
Philosophy #3: Whether it is money or planning - be conservative
Philosophy #4: A brilliant idea does not equal success
Philosophy #5: Present the image of success
Principle #4: Research Market Statistics

Learning Everything about the business before you even begin!
Philosophy #6: The one who knows the market - knows how to win
Philosophy #7: Pick your market strategy
Principle #5: Know Your Strategy

There are strengths & weaknesses; correspondingly there are threats & opportunities.

Pick your Market Strategy --- No one can do it all!
Philosophy #8: A business does not have to be brick & mortar - it can be virtual
Philosophy #9: Business must outpace a building to ensure profitability
Philosophy #10: Pay as you go...
Principle #6: Set The Proper Infrastructure

Starting a business does not have to be complicated, it can be completed in 4 EASY STEPS!
Philosophy #11: Never have 50/50 Partnerships
Principle #7: Meet The Demand

You can have the best concept in the World... but without marketing the chances of success will be limited.
Philosophy #12: A precise and concise marketing plan is mandatory
Philosophy #13: Never add an employee who doesn't pay for themselves
Philosophy #14: Track ROI (return on investment)
Principle #8: Prepare Attitude & Aptitude

Being upbeat, positive, joyful, charismatic, and passionate about your business will rub off on others.
Philosophy #15: Don't fear opposition - let the competition fear you!
Principle #9: Focus On Efficiency

Time, Performance, and Inventory is the focus in order to create a business that runs like a well-oiled machine.
Philosophy #16: Inefficiency is a waste of money Philosophy #17: Let technology replace unproductive manpower
Philosophy #18: Evaluate strategies often
Philosophy #19: Every step entails a price
Philosophy #20: Wearing multiple hats saves money and space
Principle #10: Implement Reporting

Keeping an eye on reports will prevent financial surprises.
Philosophy #21: Reporting is vital to maximize profits
Principle #11: Ensure Appropriate Financing

Spend Less
Philosophy #22: If business is not innovating it could be dying
Principle #12: Plan An Exit Strategy

Philosophy #23: Written Processes & Procedures Provides rest for the future
Philosophy #24: The power of persistence is Priceless!
If You Can't Be First... You Must Be Better!

This book will reflect on the trials, struggles, and the necessary determination of successfully commencing and operating a business.
  • Reading this book will educate you in the business field
  • Completing the workbook portion will provide a business plan

Combined together (book + workbook) = A step-by-step guide in becoming an entrepreneur of success.
The goal is to get your business up and running while keeping you entertained, interested, and informed through:

PS 12/24

12 Principles for creating a business plan and
24 Philosophies of running a successful business!